Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Regulation of UK Journalism and News A History
Regulation of UK Journalism and News A History The ownership and editorship of multimedia, combined with the ever-looming regulation of the state has had a high impact on Journalism as an industry. The new forms of media production have overall created through a push and pull force for authority between both producers and regulators an industry which has been able to produce news which has altered to suit society. The somewhat flippant relationship between publisher and a centralised government has over time produced an unbalanced system where the power over the news and its influence within the politicised nation have determined the change in societal viewpoints. The competitive nature between the two powers has allowed the constant revival of news products produced throughout the history through new means. With new advancements in news reports, the introduction of new technology alongside the political strain of constant regulation, journalistic boundaries have been pushed towards a great change. Ownership ideas have been chall enged by common concepts throughout history causing individuals to interpret the news in new ways by means of innovative news products. Through challenging the norm and historical changes to journalistic production newspaper publishers have been able to adapt to suit their audience because of the way they tackle the regulations set to suppress journalism. The owners of news companies have dominated the way newspapers are perceived through regulation. Regulation through ownership sets limits to freedom of writing for the greater good, to fit the common beliefs of the democratic society. The regulation of the media needs to be clear and convincing to withhold the attention of the audience. Although we can give general justifications for regulation that helps to reconcile it with the principles of freedom and democracy there is not a singular or definitive answer to why the news needs to be regulated. There are two main types of regulation which have been used within the newspaper press, these are negative and reactive. The negative form is utilised to refute threats to press independence and overall diversity whilst the positive is used to enable the press to coexist with the general philosophies of the political nation. According to Picard (1985), Positive press freedom is intended to promote the free flow of diverse ideas and public d ebate by removing and guarding against barriers to that flow.Ãâà Thus, the main aim of regulation should be the promotion of access, freedom to communicate, diversity and universal provision of the individual rights whilst secure communicative and cultural ends were chosen by the people. A journalist was one part of the four estates (Habermas 1984-7), an upholder for the greater good and moralistic standards. Investigative journalism thrived on the notion of helping others, through challenging the way reports were carried out. This type of journalism is about trying to produce information that others, usually in a position of power, do not want to be made public. As the Press Baron William Randolph Hearst allegedly said (Perry, Manners Smith 2006), News is something somebody does not want to be printed; all else is advertising. Investigative journalism, therefore, involves using underhand and sometimes questionable methods of practice. It is then justified by the reader and the publisher, whether the article has been conducted ethically. Each individual case is weighed on its merits, then journalists and editors can make judgement calls. It is widely accepted that the conduct of these types of reports are justifiable, allowing journalists to use underhand and illici t methods to pursue stories that are in the public interest. Levin (1997) stated that reporters should not necessarily be prosecuted for infringing the law, because journalists do serve the public interest and that had to be preserved.Ãâà This is evident within WT Steads work. A problem for many publishers was for the fact that the news products being produced could not interest a wide audience. With many papers failing to appeal to a varied audience due to the writers being elitist towards the common man, it was crucial for new news products to be developed and could be accessible to the public. Most papers wrote from an upper-class perspective. This meant that lower class individuals could not relate or understand the content being delivered. The lack of relatability meant that there was a fierce competition in the news market to gain interest from the collective society unless you could appeal to regular readers, a publication was likely to fail. The need for stories which could compel and captivate a reader to continue reading a full article became more evident. As papers were now being released from the constraints of regulation through the Taxes of Knowledge news publishers and the political interest of the working class increasing. , this was a defi nitive point for publishers to branch out through new means. In the nineteenth century, WT Stead helped to produce tabloid journalism. 1885, saw Steads Pall Mall Gazette being launched. Steads personal belief was a government run by the press. Stead stressed that the Press is directed by men with the instinct and capacity of government. Steads journalistic investigation delved into child prostitution in London. His investigation was backed by the Social Purity Movement. He published a series of reports titled: The Violation of Virgins, Confessions of a Brothel-keeper and A Girl of 13 Bought for à £5. The salacious style of Steads reports caused a national uproar. When WH Smith refused to carry the obscene paper on its newsstands, the Salvation Army members helped to sell it instead because of the importance of the paper. Steads enquiry into child prostitution involved breaking the law through his investigative methods. He posed as a client in order to buy a 13-year old girl from her parents for a fiver.Ãâà His reporting was recognised b y a fake sheikh through Stead acting as a pseudo-paedo. Through regulators, he was sentenced to three months in jail. The stories provoked a sense of anger which led parliament to raise the age of sexual consent to 16 through the Criminal Law Amendment Act in the same year. Stead knew that to survive he needed to create a loyal readership. He did this with his scandalous stories that caught the interest and echoed the concerns of the public overall. Through the positive press freedom, Steads benefitted the rights of the individual, highlighting the importance of journalists as a watchdog of justice through reactive press information. Here the journalists power outweighed the power of the negative regulators allowing for the adaptation of news media being delivered in a more exciting way. The BBC was first created as a private company by manufacturers to encourage radio sales to the general public, through a dependable foundation. The government, as a regulator, intervened in this change, until 1926. Then the Crawford Committee decided that the BBC would turn into a public organisation. Whilst the BBC was regulated by the government through being financed by tariffs and license fees. The vision of the BBC being a public service, designed to serve the whole of the UK as an impartial broadcaster, transmitting an independent public service across the world was the new aim of the corporation. The British Broadcasting Company would be based on citizenship, rather than private consumption whilst being funded accordingly by the license fees as a tax. The regulation at hand was used to (Hoffmann-Riem, 1996; and Feintuck, 1999) ensure universal availability to the general population of the country of broadcast services, to ensure a wide range of services and access opportuniti es, according to the needs of society meaning diversity in social, political, cultural and local/regional terms and to promote high quality of content provided as far as possible according to locally decided values and standards, with particular reference to information, education, advertising, culture, taste and decency. With the adaptations of television and the start of commercial competition through digital technology, the BBC intended, through its management by Reith. To keep its core concept of being a cultural force serving the whole of society. With the advancements in technology altering broadcasting, listeners through the companys new ethos had the ability to personalise their own sets with lower priced mechanisms from foreign companies and countries and applying for new licenses, which in theory should have given the company more profits for expansion, yet this was not the case. The BBC did not support this and manufacturers were aggravated because the production of news bulletins and transmissions were not proving to be as lucrative as it should have been, because of this the Sykes Committee was established. The committee suggested that the private company should be swapped with, as Curran describes, Public Commission operating in the National Interest. The BBC was regulated as the government could not allow an organisation to appear like it had no rules, so the limited space in the frequency spectrum, allowed for the government to step in through technological constraints. As Thatcher came into power in 1979, the Conservative Party won the General Election, taking over from James Callaghan. The Conservatives went on to win again in the 1983 election by an overwhelming majority. Her government followed a radical program of privatisation and deregulation, reform of the trade unions (UK Gov). Her capitalist ideals crafted a strategy to diminish the power of the journalist and the trade union which aided them. Her long-term strategy for privatising the BBC took heed through the Peacock Commission offered by Mrs Thatcher in 1986. The plan was that subscription should replace the license fee and cover much of the BBCs output. Here the BBC would be commercialised and would then favour those subdivisions of the population, who were most willing to pay for it as consumers. However, the BBC was against this notion as it would lose the company, its credibility as a public service. The Public Service Broadcasting Council was to be set up to support Radios 3 and 4 and to allocate funds to competing for television broadcasters who wanted to gain more public interest. Thatchers attempt to make the BBC conform to her ideals (Hoffmann-Riem, 1996; and Feintuck, 1999) To allocate frequencies and broadcasting concessions in an equitable and orderly manner and supervise conformity to the rules laid down and to look after the basic interests of the state in matters of security and good order, as locally interpreted only caused the BBC to outweigh her rule with their own power. The government was suppressed on this occasion by the journalist safeguarding their own beliefs for the greater good. Yet, threats to press freedom can root from the government itself, but other threats to the press are likely to stem from powerful economic or political forces to suppress the presss freedom of speech. Often the surface reasons given is used as a blanket to conceal the prioritised purpose for the article being published like for the interests of the state. Threats to press freedom can root from the same government, but other threats to the press are likely to stem from powerful economic or political forces to suppress the presss freedom of speech. Often the surface reasons given is used as a blanket to conceal the prioritised purpose for the article being published like for the interests of the state, this can be seen in the Battle of Wapping. The Wapping dispute marked the beginning of the end of Fleet Street newspaper production. The first newspaper to be published in the eighteenth century was Times dates in 1785 and the News of the World, which combined Newszak and serious news. This first appeared in 1843. By the early twentieth century, Fleet Street was at equal power with national newspapers. It was depicted as a highly commercialised, a competitive industry whose owners enjoyed political clout and social prestige by the national workers story. In 1969 Murdoch obtained the News of the World, his first British newspaper, after a battle with rival publisher owner Robert Maxwell. In the same year, he bought The Sun, and through The Suns publishers, Murdoch acquired the Daily Mirror. To help secure the sale, the print unions at The Sun agreed Murdochs demand of lowering the staffing levels to be more cost effective as well as forming a joint paper partnership with the News of the World. Murdoch and his editors transformed The Sun from a pro-Labour paper to a conservative ruled paper.Ãâà It became a commercial success, but this was highly controversial because of the papers centralised fixation on Newszak topics in addition to its support of Margaret Thatcher, the new Tory Prime Minister who was elected in May 1979. Murdochs sudden alliance to the new PM introduced her policies for transitioning the government. Her policies of monetarism, privatisation, and self-help were despised by the old labour government followers. St an Cohen (Folk Devils and Moral Panics) stated that condition, episode, person or group of persons emerges to become defined as a threat to societal values and interests. Her capitalist views aligned both Murdoch and herself together to become a force against the traditional press barons giving the ammunition for Murdoch to regulate news media. Thatcher helped Rupert Murdoch break the dominating power of trade print unions at the Battle of Wapping, laying the way for new broadcasters like the Independent and bigger, multi-section newspapers to be formed. This loophole allowed monopolies to be explored and News products to be exploited. Without the battle of Wapping being ended, the flat print would have inhibited the development of news media products and the production of the media. Through destroying the flat press Murdoch regulation allowed for cheaper productions and cheaper products to be sold, benefiting news companies subsequently increasing their revenue for developers. News ownership regulations affected the ability of news media organisations like the BBC and Sky from growing their businesses. The regulation also prevention news outlets from being able to adapt to the changes in the economic climate and the wider media ranges.Ãâà The set regulations affect the ability of news media publishers from acquiring new titles, and from expanding their news provision services across other platforms such as television and radio. Thatchers loophole also broke the TV duopoly of ITV and the BBC through the launch of News channels such as Channel 4. Thatcher was successful in privatising the TV transmitter networks, allowing ITV licenses to be sold to the highest bidder. Here Murdoch could create Sky. Murdochs domination over exclusive football rights was all achieved through Thatcher governments support. The advancement in technology aided the quality of British television and broadcasting by increasing its diversity.Ãâà The 1980s saw the appearanc e of Sky British television was revolutionary with its focus on Newszak programmes and stories. The focus on more trivial subjects allowed for the company to reach out to a wider audience making the news outlet vastly popular. As Sky emerged Murdoch waged war against the BBC, through its privately funded style and the need for broadcasting domination. Against the other terrestrial broadcasters and the BBC, Murdoch attempted to undermine their public service ethos.Ãâà In the case of the two commercial terrestrial broadcasters, ITN and Channel 4, they also lost advertising revenue as viewers were drawn off to Sky because of its possession of exclusive football rights and supporting reports.Ãâà To try to preserve their audience share the terrestrial broadcasters some of their advertising revenue the BBC and the other terrestrial broadcasters were forced into rating wars with Sky in which Sky had an immense built-in advantage because of its possession of the exclusive football rights. The quality of terrestrial broadcasters suffered due to their lack of sporting coverage, losing them a favour against Murdochs creation. Yet the popularity of news increased because of this influx of competitiveness b etween news outlets. With Sky News concentrating on Newszak culture the media product being produced in a simpler and more audience friendly manner allowed for a wider audience to be reached. Allan (2004) describes the Push and pull factors between what news sources people could choose. This choice can fluctuate as forms of media develop and in response to audience needs. Some people felt that they were better informed than in past because of the change to how news was being delivered as the many felt that this type of journalism confirmed their worldview, causing them to engage more with the news. With the differing News outlets competing against each other both the BBC and Sky could reach different target audiences allowing people to make a choice on how they wanted to be informed, allowing news media to be catered for a specific audience. Ultimately, the ownership of multimedia has determined the direction that journalism has followed. With the political constraints of regulation through government rule and societal concepts, journalism has fought through suppression to benefit the general public. Regulation through ownership has throughout history set limits to the freedom of writing for the greater good to try and fit the common beliefs of the democratic society. The owners of publishers have been a key factor in creation and production of news products. Owners have been able to transform their news outlets through harnessing new technologies, engaging in debates about popular politics whilst directing the focus of their publications. Ownership combined with both negative and active regulations have over time determined the way in which news is produced. Whilst the negative form of regulation has been adopted to refute threats to the press independence in aims to prevent radical change, the positive form has been used to enable the press to coexist with the general philosophies to gain favour with either the government or the targeted audience. With new advancements in investigative journalism, the creation of the British Broadcasting Company and the addition of Sky News being created journalism has continually updated itself through the political strain of regulation. The push towards specific regulation types allowed news production to alter, creating outlets for certain audiences to engage with. Thus, the governments continual interjections within journalists news production through schemes such as the Peacock Commission offered by Mrs Thatcher in 1986, pushed the towards better production and quality of a more representative news product overall. Word count:Ãâà with quotes-3005, without quotes- 2762 Bibliography Jurgen Habermas The Theory of Communicative Action volume 2, Jà ¼rgen Habermas Publisher Beacon Press, 1984 William Randolph Hearst quote from The Gilded Age Progressive Era: A Student Companion Student Companions to American History, Authors Elisabeth Israels Perry, Karen Manners Smith Edition illustrated: Publisher Oxford University Press, USA, 2006 Gavin Levin quote used from Defining Moments in Journalism Media Studies Series,Ãâà Editors Nancy J. Woodhull, Robert W. Snyder: Publisher Transaction Publishers, 1997 Picard, R.G. (1985) The Press and the Decline of Democracy. Westport CT: Greenwood Press W.T. Stead quote used from Popular Print Media, 1820-1900, Volume 3 Edition Synapse Popular Print Media, 1820-1900, John Plunkett Authors Andrew King, John Plunkett Editors Andrew King, John Plunkett Edition illustrated, reprint Publisher Taylor Francis, 2004 Cohen, Stanley (2002) Folk Devils and Moral Panics: The Creation of the Mods and Rockers. Edition illustrated, third edition: Publisher Routledge James Curran, Jean Seaton: Power Without Responsibility: The Press, Broadcasting, and New Media in Britain Edition reprint, revised Publisher Routledge, 2003 NEWSINTERNATIONAL, Wapping 25 years on, the workers story GPM section of Unite and the Marx Memorial Library. Print: Upstream Coop Printers, Online pdf file version also used:Ãâà http://www.wapping-dispute.org.uk/sites/default/files/the-workers-story.pdf UK Gov used for information on Thatcher:Ãâà https://www.gov.uk/government/history/past-prime-ministers/margaret-thatcher David Goldberg, Tony Prosser, Stefaan G. Verhulst Editors David Goldberg, Tony Prosser, Stefaan G. Verhulst: Regulating the Changing Media: A Comparative Study Authors Edition illustrated, reprint Publisher Clarendon Press (2002) -Ãâà quote used: 1998 Hoffmann-Riem, 1996; and Feintuck, 1999 Allan, S. (2004) 2nd edition. News Culture, OUP
Monday, January 20, 2020
Comparing Revenge in Aeschylus The Oresteia Trilogy and Sophocles Ele
Revenge in Aeschylus' The Oresteia Trilogy and Sophocles' Electraà à The act of revenge in classical Greek plays and society is a complex issue with unavoidable consequences. In certain instances, it is a more paramount concern than familial ties. When a family member is murdered another family member is expected to seek out and administer revenge. If all parties involved are of the same blood, the revenge is eventually going to wipe out the family. Both Aeschylus, through "The Oresteia Trilogy," and Sophocles, through "Electra," attempt to show the Athenians that revenge is a just act that at times must have no limits on its reach. Orestes and his sister Electra, the children of the slain Agamemnon, struggle on how to avenge their father's death. Although unsure what course of action they must take, both brother and sister are in agreement that revenge must occur. Revenge is a crucial part of Greek plays that gives the characters a sense of honor and their actions a sense of justice. Killing the person responsible for one of your family member's deaths is Athenian justice. This type of lethal justice is executed by Orestes and Electra. Before proceeding to the house of Aegisthus and Clytemnestra, they plot the murder of their father's murderers. They decide Orestes will murder his mother, and Electra will dispose of Aegisthus. Orestes is the most focused of the two; but Electra, although timid in the beginning, is the most masculine. Both of these personality traits are key to their plan coming to fruition. Once her brother devises the plan, Electra verbally encourages him to follow through with it. After thrusting his blade into Clytemnestra only once, Electra cries that "[i]f thou beest a man, [s]trike twice!" (Sophocles 5... ...ther and being unable to know what that means, Athena proclaims that "[m]ine is the final vote, [a]nd I award it to Orestes' cause" (Aeschylus 140). He was simply following the unspoken law that you kill the person responsible for your family member's death. No matter what action he took, he would of be looked down upon with disdainment. The act of revenge is the most honorable of all types of justice. Killing those who kill people you care about exhibits your loyalty to the man or woman who is deceased. Even though the cost was killing his mother, Orestes did avenge his father's death. Aeschylus and Sophocles show their fellow Athenians that although it may not be the most pleasurable and best looking solution, revenge is the most just. Although problems and criticism did arise from his actions, Orestes did exactly what he was suppose to do in the given situation.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
American Welfare System
American welfare system is a supervision agenda that offers funds, health care, food, shelter, and other things that citizens want so as to stay alive. People who can receive help from these welfare programs are kids, elders, the disabled, and others who are not capable to sustain their family unit on their contemporary earnings. The welfare system of America has set off from a well-meaning program intended to sustain inhabitants who are incapable to work and afford for their children, to a program that has grow to be prolific to abolishing the continuous dependence of the beneficiaries.The American wellbeing structure will: ? help more welfare heirs accomplish self-rule through labor ? look after children and fortify families ? allow states to inquire about new and original solutions to help welfare recipients get independence Collapse of the System It must be understand that the American welfare system, as we discern it, ought to be unchanging over an extended period of time; but r egrettably this system was ineffective to do so. American welfare system was failed to achieve its objectives and in providing relieve to ordinary people.Yet those who are ââ¬Å"pro-welfareâ⬠are disgruntled with the mechanism in isolation. Several problems that contribute their part in the collapse of the U. S. welfare system: Administrative Overheads: The administrative expenses of all the different welfare programs are certainly soaring. It is costly to appraise cases, manage civil services, allocate benefits, watch recipients, arraign fraud, sue disagreements, and examine performance. Incomplete Coverage: Numerous people who are eligible for benefits fail to obtain them because they either do not apply or are shockingly rejected.Even now more people are really deprived, but do not suitable because they do not fall into an apposite class. Complexity: The management of welfare is very convoluted. There are a great many initiatives. The key programs diverge by state; local li beration varies by province. There are accurately thousands of special welfare programs in the United States, covering the land like a frayed collage coverlet. The technical regulations of the crucial programs are discouraging. AFDC is so multifaceted that officials turn to review sheets to determine donations.The parameters are too intricate to comprehend (Bernstein and Greenberg, pp. 11-13). Despite of the aforesaid dilemmas, there are further matters which were foundations for the breakdowns of the American welfare system are: ? Ineffective to keep people beyond the poverty line ? Discrepancy state regulation ? Unavailability of occupations for welfare recipients in the private zone ? Recipients have requirements that widen beyond income upholding ? Too little advantages Proposals for Improving the SystemIt is time for welfare system to implement policies that will construct swift and noticeable development. Programs should be formulated to cope with people cut off or on wellbein g. The trouble of a great number of brood being born into poverty must be condensed to lessen the number of people needing welfare. States powerless to locate jobs for welfare recipients in the private region must be compelled to produce community service jobs and the like to support the unwaged (Bernstein and Greenberg, p. 14).The American welfare system will get better if it executes the following proposals: Create universal access to health care, establish a universal maternal and child health program, update the conditions for eligibility, make plans for sub-populations, enlarge economic efficiency support the family, support the society, provide greater social alternative and alleviate greater idleness insurance. Work Cited Bernstein, J. and Greenberg, M. (2001), Reforming Welfare Reform, American Prospect, Vol. 12 No. 1, pp. 11-14.
Friday, January 3, 2020
A Farewell to Arms Essay - 1012 Words
A Farewell to Arms, one of the most renowned masterpieces of Ernest Hemingway, is a detailed account of life during World War I, which depicts a gruesome and deleterious reality of a soldier by incorporating themes of impermanence and change. The author of this work tries to convey his notions about the concept of war and love. Throughout the novel, relationship between man and woman in a grim reality of war is frequently discussed. Thus, A Farewell to Arms paints Ernest Hemingwayââ¬â¢s view of love and war, espousing his modernistic belief: both love and war can never be more than temporary in this world. They are impermanent and changeable. To begin with, this novel is mainly derived from the authorââ¬â¢s life stories. Hemingway voluntarilyâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Grateful, Henry goes back to the front, but a harsh reality awaits him. The narrator describes the great retreat of the Allied forces, during which he loses many friends, gets separated, and escapes from his army. With the help from his friends, Henry successfully returns to Catherine, and they escape safely to Switzerland. Although Henry sometimes feels guilty abandoning his army, he and Catherine decide not to look back and put the war behind them. Their happy and peaceful life continues, and when spring comes, Catherine goes into labor. Her delivery is difficult and complicated that she dies of a hemorrhage after giving birth to a boy. Unable to express his grief, Henry goes back to his hotel in the rain without saying goodbye to her. As the plot reveals, this novel includes several defining features of modernism. First of all, it rejects the traditional themes and subject matter. Unlike the traditional belief ââ¬â the war is always glorious and needed in order to maintain a strong country ââ¬â in literature, the idea of the grim reality of war is meticulously depicted in this novel. It refutes the glorified image of war and supports the deleterious effects of it on the soldiers. In the story, Henry concludes, ââ¬Å"Abstract words such as glory, honor, courage, or hallow were obscene beside the concrete names of villages, the numbers of roads, the names of rivers, the numbers of regiments and the datesâ⬠(p 185). This quote explains that Henry is unableShow MoreRelatedFarewell to Arms1472 Words à |à 6 PagesYou are all a lost generation -Gertrude Stein This quotations importance on author Earnest Hemmingway is reflected in his modern Romeo and Juliet novel entitled A Farewell to Arms. The recurring tone of the novel suggests that the only reality is the harsh truth which is anything but romantic and proves that in the end, all is futile. This generation in which Stein spoke of to Hemingway is the generation of romantic war times. This idea is symbolized in the character Catherine Barkleys visionRead MoreA Farewell to Arms1229 Words à |à 5 PagesStruik English 10-01-2013 How Hemingway uses style and language to reflect the ideas and themes in A Farewell to Arms. There are plenty of novels about World War I, most of them are about the cruel life in the trenches, the physical stress and the awful numbers of deaths during the battle. As a reader you think that you have seen it all, but then this book comes along. A Farewell to Arms is a novel written by Ernest Hemingway, which presents the love story between Lieutenant Fredrick HenryRead MoreA Farewell To Arms Analysis1066 Words à |à 5 PagesA Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway, tells a love story between Frederic Henry and Catherine Barkley during World War I. In ââ¬Å"A Powerful Beaconâ⬠: Love Illuminating Human Attachment in Hemingwayââ¬â¢s A Farewell to Arms, Joel Armstrong discusses the impact love plays in the novel and the debate many critics have over what sort of love story A Farewell to Arms really is (Armstrong 1). Randall S. Wilhelm mentions Henryââ¬â¢s effort in badly concealing his attempt to suppress his lack of love for Barkley aboutRead MoreCinematography of A Farewell to Arms593 Words à |à 2 Pagesfeeling. A good movie must have all these certain aspects. In the award winning film A Farewell to Arms all this aspects are used to there peak not only by its Lighting but also by its point of view shots and montages they make you feel as if you know what the character is feeling and what they are about to do. All these things have to be thought about while watching or even making a movie. A Farewell to Arms is a love story between an ambulance driver and a nurse who will stop at nothing to beRead MoreAnalysis Of A Farewell To Arms1720 Words à |à 7 Pages In the story, ââ¬Å"A Farewell to Armsââ¬â¢, by Ernst Hemmingway, it is about an American in the early 1900ââ¬â¢s during the first World War. The setting takes place in Europe, and the location includes countries from Italy to Switzerland. The purpose of this story is to show the negative impacts of war and how it affects people and the problems it causes in the world. Most people are against armed conflict because war generally brings little good to the countries that partake in the war. In the end, the costRead More Farewell to Arms Essay540 Words à |à 3 PagesFarewell to Arms Death is often represented by traditional symbols ranging from the color black to the common tombstone. Besides these icons, other signs can stand for mortality including rain. In A Farewell to Arms, Ernest Hemingway associates rain with death many times. Although rain is not usually considered a symbol of death, the main character Fredric Henry discovers this natural occurrence is a personal theme he relates with death. The first time Hemingway uses the connection betweenRead MoreA Farewell Of Arms Assessment1649 Words à |à 7 PagesA Farewell to Arms Assessment I believe Hemingway had been foreshadowing the novelââ¬â¢s outcome after the statement, ââ¬Å"we did not do the things we wanted to do; we never did such thingsâ⬠had been expressed. This relates to the events later in the story when Henry has to decide whether or not he should stay in the army and when Catherine Barkley had passed away. When Henry had first started out in the army, he had full intentions of seeing the war all the way through but as it continued and seemedRead MoreAnalysis Of A Farewell To Arms1656 Words à |à 7 Pagesââ¬Å"offensive viewsâ⬠on the outlook of life and the inappropriateness of its content. ââ¬Å"A Farewell to Armsâ⬠is a great informational book; however, the book contains many points that are offensive to readers and it partakes inappropriate content. Therefore, some of the major reasons ââ¬Å"A Farewell to Armsâ⬠should be banned is because of the abuse of alcohol, its view of the war and the sexual content in it. The book ââ¬Å"A Farewell to Arms takes place during World War I. The book is about Henry, a young English manRead More A Farewell To Arms Essay1136 Words à |à 5 Pages A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway is based largely on Hemingways own personal experiences. The main character of the book, Frederic Henry experiences many of the same situations that Hemingway experienced. Some of these experiences are exactly the same, while some are less similar, and some events have a completely different outcome. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A Farewell to Arms is the book of Frederic Henry, an American driving an ambulance for the Italian Army during World War I. TheRead More A Farewell To Arms Essays505 Words à |à 3 Pages Ernest Hemingwayââ¬â¢s classic novel, A Farewell to Arms, is one of the greatest love and war stories of all time. The success and authenticity of this tale is a direct result of Hemingwayââ¬â¢s World War I involvement. The main character, Frederick Henry, encounters many of the same things as did Hemingway and creates a parallel between the author and character. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ernest Hemingway was born in Oak Park, Illinois, July21, 1899. He was a very handsome, athletic, adventurous young
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